Learn to “see” the market from your consumers’ perspective as you develop an understanding of similarity, Drivers of Liking®, and Landscape Segmentation Analysis®. In this 2.5-day course, you will actively: Construct maps with products and consumer ideal points and identify products’ strengths and weaknesses using descriptive and analytical data; Understand the limitations of internal preference mapping based on 27 category appraisals conducted at a major consumer products company; Find consumer segments using individual ideals; Use mapping results to improve existing products and conduct computer-aided design of new products. Invited speaker, Dr. Kevin Blot of Unilever, will show applications of LSA in new introductions.
Offered by: The Institute for Perception Target audience: Intermediate Cost: €950; 50% discount applied to each additional registrant from the same company, Academic discount available. A discount of €50 will be offered for members of the Sensometric Society before additional discounts are applied.
Further information: http://ifpress.com/short-courses/ or call 001-804-675-2980