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The Sensometric Society

Abstract submission

Abstract submission deadline is March 4, 2024 for poster and oral presentations, and workshops.

Abstracts are invited for oral and poster presentations at the conference on the following conference themes:

  • Fundamentals of sensory data analysis
  • New methods for consumer data analysis
  • Artificial intelligence for Sensory and Consumer Research
  • Sensometrics for sustainability challenges
  • Text mining methods
  • Graph and networks in sensometrics

Submit your abstract here

Abstracts will need to follow a standard format with 300 words. 

Upon successful submission, you will receive an electronic acknowledgement with a unique abstract reference number. This receipt confirms the receipt of your abstract and should be referenced in all future communications. Please allow a minimum of 2 hours to receive your receipt.

Once your paper is accepted, it is mandatory for at least one of the authors to register for the conference and present the paper during the event.

Abstracts for all accepted contributions will be included in the abstract system, which will be made available to all registered conference participants.